Source code for easyCore.Objects.Groups

#  SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 easyCore contributors  <>
#  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
#  © 2021-2023 Contributors to the easyCore project <

from __future__ import annotations

__author__ = ''
__version__ = '0.1.0'

from import MutableSequence
from numbers import Number
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from typing import Any
from typing import Callable
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from typing import Tuple
from typing import Union

from easyCore import borg
from easyCore.Objects.ObjectClasses import BasedBase
from easyCore.Objects.ObjectClasses import Descriptor
from easyCore.Utils.UndoRedo import NotarizedDict

    from easyCore.Utils.typing import B
    from easyCore.Utils.typing import V
    from easyCore.Utils.typing import iF

[docs]class BaseCollection(BasedBase, MutableSequence): """ This is the base class for which all higher level classes are built off of. NOTE: This object is serializable only if parameters are supplied as: `BaseObj(a=value, b=value)`. For `Parameter` or `Descriptor` objects we can cheat with `BaseObj(*[Descriptor(...), Parameter(...), ...])`. """ def __init__( self, name: str, *args: Union[B, V], interface: Optional[iF] = None, **kwargs, ): """ Set up the base collection class. :param name: Name of this object :type name: str :param args: selection of :param _kwargs: Fields which this class should contain :type _kwargs: dict """ BasedBase.__init__(self, name) kwargs = {key: kwargs[key] for key in kwargs.keys() if kwargs[key] is not None} _args = [] for item in args: if not isinstance(item, list): _args.append(item) else: _args += item _kwargs = {} for key, item in kwargs.items(): if isinstance(item, list) and len(item) > 0: _args += item else: _kwargs[key] = item kwargs = _kwargs for item in list(kwargs.values()) + _args: if not issubclass(type(item), (Descriptor, BasedBase)): raise AttributeError('A collection can only be formed from easyCore objects.') args = _args _kwargs = {} for key, item in kwargs.items(): _kwargs[key] = item for arg in args: kwargs[str(] = arg _kwargs[str(] = arg # Set kwargs, also useful for serialization self._kwargs = NotarizedDict(**_kwargs) for key in kwargs.keys(): if key in self.__dict__.keys() or key in self.__slots__: raise AttributeError(f'Given kwarg: `{key}`, is an internal attribute. Please rename.'), kwargs[key])[key], 'created_internal') if interface is not None: kwargs[key].interface = interface # TODO wrap getter and setter in Logger if interface is not None: self.interface = interface self._kwargs._stack_enabled = True
[docs] def insert(self, index: int, value: Union[V, B]) -> None: """ Insert an object into the collection at an index. :param index: Index for easyCore object to be inserted. :type index: int :param value: Object to be inserted. :type value: Union[BasedBase, Descriptor] :return: None :rtype: None """ t_ = type(value) if issubclass(t_, (BasedBase, Descriptor)): update_key = list(self._kwargs.keys()) values = list(self._kwargs.values()) # Update the internal dict new_key = str( update_key.insert(index, new_key) values.insert(index, value) self._kwargs.reorder(**{k: v for k, v in zip(update_key, values)}) # ADD EDGE, value), 'created_internal') value.interface = self.interface else: raise AttributeError('Only easyCore objects can be put into an easyCore group')
def __getitem__(self, idx: Union[int, slice]) -> Union[V, B]: """ Get an item in the collection based on it's index. :param idx: index or slice of the collection. :type idx: Union[int, slice] :return: Object at index `idx` :rtype: Union[Parameter, Descriptor, BaseObj, 'BaseCollection'] """ if isinstance(idx, slice): start, stop, step = idx.indices(len(self)) return self.__class__(getattr(self, 'name'), *[self[i] for i in range(start, stop, step)]) if str(idx) in self._kwargs.keys(): return self._kwargs[str(idx)] if isinstance(idx, str): idx = [index for index, item in enumerate(self) if == idx] noi = len(idx) if noi == 0: raise IndexError('Given index does not exist') elif noi == 1: idx = idx[0] else: return self.__class__(getattr(self, 'name'), *[self[i] for i in idx]) elif not isinstance(idx, int) or isinstance(idx, bool): if isinstance(idx, bool): raise TypeError('Boolean indexing is not supported at the moment') try: if idx > len(self): raise IndexError(f'Given index {idx} is out of bounds') except TypeError: raise IndexError('Index must be of type `int`/`slice` or an item name (`str`)') keys = list(self._kwargs.keys()) return self._kwargs[keys[idx]] def __setitem__(self, key: int, value: Union[B, V]) -> None: """ Set an item via it's index. :param key: Index in self. :type key: int :param value: Value which index key should be set to. :type value: Any """ if isinstance(value, Number): # noqa: S3827 item = self.__getitem__(key) item.value = value elif issubclass(type(value), BasedBase) or issubclass(type(value), Descriptor): update_key = list(self._kwargs.keys()) values = list(self._kwargs.values()) old_item = values[key] # Update the internal dict update_dict = {update_key[key]: value} self._kwargs.update(update_dict) # ADD EDGE, value), 'created_internal') value.interface = self.interface # REMOVE EDGE, old_item) else: raise NotImplementedError('At the moment only numerical values or easyCore objects can be set.') def __delitem__(self, key: int) -> None: """ Try to delete an idem by key. :param key: :type key: :return: :rtype: """ keys = list(self._kwargs.keys()) item = self._kwargs[keys[key]], item) del self._kwargs[keys[key]] def __len__(self) -> int: """ Get the number of items in this collection :return: Number of items in this collection. :rtype: int """ return len(self._kwargs.keys()) def _convert_to_dict(self, in_dict, encoder, skip: List[str] = [], **kwargs) -> dict: """ Convert ones self into a serialized form. :return: dictionary of ones self :rtype: dict """ d = {} if hasattr(self, '_modify_dict'): # any extra keys defined on the inheriting class d = self._modify_dict(skip=skip, **kwargs) in_dict['data'] = [encoder._convert_to_dict(item, skip=skip, **kwargs) for item in self] out_dict = {**in_dict, **d} return out_dict @property def data(self) -> Tuple: """ The data function returns a tuple of the keyword arguments passed to the constructor. This is useful for when you need to pass in a dictionary of data to other functions, such as with matplotlib's plot function. :param self: Access attributes of the class within the method :return: The values of the attributes in a tuple :doc-author: Trelent """ return tuple(self._kwargs.values()) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{self.__class__.__name__} `{getattr(self, 'name')}` of length {len(self)}"
[docs] def sort(self, mapping: Callable[[Union[B, V]], Any], reverse: bool = False) -> None: """ Sort the collection according to the given mapping. :param mapping: mapping function to sort the collection. i.e. lambda parameter: parameter.raw_value :type mapping: Callable :param reverse: Reverse the sorting. :type reverse: bool """ i = list(self._kwargs.items()) i.sort(key=lambda x: mapping(x[1]), reverse=reverse) self._kwargs.reorder(**{k[0]: k[1] for k in i})