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Bases: BaseObj

a property writable

Get the a lattice parameter.

:return: a lattice parameter :rtype: float

alpha property writable

Get the alpha lattice parameter.

:return: alpha lattice parameter :rtype: float

angles property

Get the angles of the unit cell in degrees.

:return: Tuple of unit cell angles (alpha, beta, gamma) :rtype: tuple

b property writable

Get the b lattice parameter.

:return: b lattice parameter :rtype: float

beta property writable

Get the beta lattice parameter.

:return: beta lattice parameter :rtype: float

c property writable

Get the c lattice parameter.

:return: c lattice parameter :rtype: float

gamma property writable

Get the gamma lattice parameter.

:return: gamma lattice parameter :rtype: float

inv_matrix property

Inverse of lattice matrix.

:return: Inverse of lattice matrix :rtype: np.ndarray

lengths property

Get the lengths of the unit cell.

:return: Tuple of unit cell lengths (a, b, c) :rtype: tuple

matrix property

Get the lattice matrix.

:return: Lattice matrix in the form of a 9x9 matrix :rtype: np.ndarray

metric_tensor property

The metric tensor of the lattice.

:return metric tensor of the lattice :rtype: np.ndarray

reciprocal_lattice property

Return the reciprocal lattice. Note that this is the standard reciprocal lattice used for solid state physics with a factor of 2 * pi. If you are looking for the crystallographic reciprocal lattice, use the reciprocal_lattice_crystallographic property.

:return: New cell in the reciprocal lattice :rtype: Lattice

reciprocal_lattice_crystallographic property

Returns the crystallographic reciprocal lattice, i.e., no factor of 2 * pi.

:return: New cell in the crystallographic reciprocal lattice :rtype: Lattice

volume property

Volume of the unit cell.

:return: Volume of the unit cell :rtype: ureg.Quantity


Returns a deep copy of the Lattice

:return: Deep copy of self :rtype:


Support format printing. Supported formats are:

  1. "l" for a list format that can be easily copied and pasted, e.g., ".3fl" prints something like "[[10.000, 0.000, 0.000], [0.000, 10.000, 0.000], [0.000, 0.000, 10.000]]"
  2. "p" for lattice parameters ".1fp" prints something like "{10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 90.0, 90.0, 90.0}"
  3. Default will simply print a 3x3 matrix form. E.g., 10.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 10.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 10.000

__matrix(a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma) staticmethod

Calculating the crystallographic matrix is time consuming and we use it often, so we have memoized it. :param a: a lattice parameter :type a: float :param b: b lattice parameter :type b: float :param c: c lattice parameter :type c: float :param alpha: alpha lattice parameter :type alpha: float :param beta: beta lattice parameter :type beta: float :param gamma: gamma lattice parameter :type gamma: float :return: crystallographic matrix :rtype: np.ndarray

cubic(a, interface=None) classmethod

Convenience constructor for a cubic lattice.

:param a: The a lattice parameter of the cubic cell. :type a: float :return: Crystallographic unit cell container :rtype: Lattice


Returns the distance between the hkl plane and the origin

:param miller_index: (h. k. l) Miller index of plane :type miller_index: Vector3Like :return: Distance between the hkl plane and the origin :rtype: float

from_matrix(matrix, interface=None) classmethod

Construct a crystallographic unit cell from the lattice matrix

:param matrix: Matrix describing the crystallographic unit cell in the form of a numpy array, 1x9 list or 3x3 list. :type matrix: np.ndarray, List[float], List[List[float]] :return: Crystallographic unit cell container :rtype: Lattice


Returns the cartesian coordinates given fractional coordinates.

:param fractional_coords: fractional_coords (3x1 array): Fractional coords. :type fractional_coords: np.ndarray , list :return: Cartesian coordinates :rtype: np.ndarray


Returns the fractional coordinates given cartesian coordinates.

:param cart_coords: cart_coords (3x1 array): Fractional coords. :type cart_coords: np.ndarray , list :return: Fractional coordinates. :rtype: np.ndarray

get_points_in_sphere(frac_points, center, r, zip_results=True)

Find all points within a sphere from the point taking into account periodic boundary conditions. This includes sites in other periodic images. Algorithm: 1. place sphere of radius r in crystal and determine minimum supercell (parallelpiped) which would contain a sphere of radius r. for this we need the projection of a_1 on a unit vector perpendicular to a_2 & a_3 (i.e. the unit vector in the direction b_1) to determine how many a_1"s it will take to contain the sphere. Nxmax = r * length_of_b_1 / (2 Pi) 2. keep points falling within r. Args: frac_points: All points in the lattice in fractional coordinates. center: Cartesian coordinates of center of sphere. r: radius of sphere. zip_results (bool): Whether to zip the results together to group by point, or return the raw fcoord, dist, index arrays Returns: if zip_results: [(fcoord, dist, index, supercell_image) ...] since most of the time, subsequent processing requires the distance, index number of the atom, or index of the image else: fcoords, dists, inds, image


Returns the coordinates along lattice directions given cartesian coordinates. Note, this is different than a projection of the cartesian vector along the lattice parameters. It is simply the fractional coordinates multiplied by the lattice vector magnitudes.

:param cart_coords: cart_coords (3x1 array): Fractional coords. :type cart_coords: np.ndarray , list :return: Lattice coordinates. :rtype: np.ndarray

hexagonal(a, c, interface=None) classmethod

Convenience constructor for a hexagonal lattice of dimensions a x a x c

:param a: a lattice parameter of the hexagonal cell. :type a: float :param c: c lattice parameter of the hexagonal cell. :type c: float :return: Crystallographic unit cell container :rtype: Lattice

is_hexagonal(hex_angle_tol=5, hex_length_tol=0.01)

Returns true if the Lattice is hexagonal.

:param hex_angle_tol: Angle tolerance :param hex_length_tol: Length tolerance :return: Whether lattice corresponds to hexagonal lattice. :rtype: bool


Returns true if the cell is orthogonal (all angles 90 degrees)

:return: Whether all angles are 90 degrees. :rtype: bool

monoclinic(a, b, c, beta, interface=None) classmethod

Convenience constructor for a monoclinic lattice of dimensions a x b x c with non right-angle beta between lattice vectors a and c.

:param a: a lattice parameter of the monoclinc cell. :type a: float :param b: b lattice parameter of the monoclinc cell. :type b: float :param c: c lattice parameter of the monoclinc cell. :type c: float :param beta: beta angle between lattice vectors b and c in degrees. :type beta: float :return: Crystallographic unit cell container :rtype: Lattice

orthorhombic(a, b, c, interface=None) classmethod

Convenience constructor for an orthorhombic lattice.

:param a: a lattice parameter of the orthorhombic cell. :type a: float :param b: b lattice parameter of the orthorhombic cell. :type b: float :param c: c lattice parameter of the orthorhombic cell. :type c: float :return: Crystallographic unit cell container :rtype: Lattice

rhombohedral(a, alpha, interface=None) classmethod

Convenience constructor for a rhombohedral lattice of dimensions a x a x a.

:param a: a lattice parameter of the monoclinc cell. :type a: float :param alpha: Angle for the rhombohedral lattice in degrees. :type alpha: float :return: Crystallographic unit cell container :rtype: Lattice


Return a new Cell with volume new_volume by performing a scaling of the lattice vectors so that length proportions and angles are preserved.

:param new_volume: New volume to scale to. :type new_volume: float :return: New cell scaled to volume :rtype: Lattice


Return a new Cell where the cell lengths have been scaled by the scaling factors. Angles are preserved.

:param length_scales: Scaling for each length or universal scaling factor :type length_scales: Union[float, Vector3Like] :return: New Cell scaled by user supplied scale factors :rtype: Lattice

tetragonal(a, c, interface=None) classmethod

Convenience constructor for a tetragonal lattice.

:param a: a lattice parameter of the tetragonal cell. :type a: float :param c: c lattice parameter of the tetragonal cell. :type c: float :return: Crystallographic unit cell container :rtype: Lattice


Bases: Lattice


Returns a deep copy of the Periodic-Lattice. Note that the spacegroup parameter is also a copy!!

:return: Deep copy of self :rtype: PeriodicLattice


Enforce symmetry constraints on to a Lattice

from_matrix(matrix, interface=None) classmethod

Construct a crystallographic unit cell from the lattice matrix

:param matrix: Matrix describing the crystallographic unit cell in the form of a numpy array, 1x9 list or 3x3 list. :type matrix: np.ndarray, List[float], List[List[float]] :return: Crystallographic unit cell container :rtype: Lattice


Convert the PeriodicLattice to a standard Lattice. i.e. drop spacegroup. The return is a copy

:return: Lattice with spacegroup information dropped. :rtype: Lattice

find_neighbors(label, nx, ny, nz)

Given a cube index, find the neighbor cube indices Args: label: (array) (n,) or (n x 3) indice array nx: (int) number of cells in y direction ny: (int) number of cells in y direction nz: (int) number of cells in z direction Returns: neighbor cell indices

get_integer_index(miller_index, round_dp=4, verbose=True)

Attempt to convert a vector of floats to whole numbers. Args: miller_index (list of float): A list miller indexes. round_dp (int, optional): The number of decimal places to round the miller index to. verbose (bool, optional): Whether to print warnings. Returns: (tuple): The Miller index.

get_points_in_spheres(all_coords, center_coords, r, pbc=True, numerical_tol=1e-08, lattice=None, return_fcoords=False)

For each point in center_coords, get all the neighboring points in all_coords that are within the cutoff radius r. Args: all_coords: (list of cartesian coordinates) all available points center_coords: (list of cartesian coordinates) all centering points r: (float) cutoff radius pbc: (bool or a list of bool) whether to set periodic boundaries numerical_tol: (float) numerical tolerance lattice: (Lattice) lattice to consider when PBC is enabled return_fcoords: (bool) whether to return fractional coords when pbc is set. Returns: List[List[Tuple[coords, distance, index, image]]]



Bases: BaseCollection

append(*args, **kwargs)

Add an atom to the crystal


Bases: Site

cart_coords property

Get the atomic position in Cartesian form. :return: :rtype:


Generate all orbits for a given fractional position.


Bases: BaseObj

fract_coords property

Get the current sites fractional co-ordinates as an array

:return: Array containing fractional co-ordinates :rtype: np.ndarray


Get the distance between two sites

:param other_site: Second site :param other_site: Second site :type other_site: Site :return: Distance between 2 sites :rtype: float



Bases: BaseObj

crystal_system property

Which crystal system the space group belongs to

:return: Crystal system of the space group

hall_symbol property

Hall symbol of the space group

:return: Hall symbol of the space group

hermann_mauguin property

Space group name as defined by a Hermann-Mauguin symbol

:return: Space group name as a string

int_number property writable

International number of the space group

:return: International number of the space group

is_reference_setting property

Is the space group setting the reference setting?

:return: Is the space group setting the reference setting?

it_coordinate_system_code property writable

Space group setting. If the space group does not have a setting, this will be None. Equivalent to setting, defined to satisfy CIF Template

:return: Space group setting

it_number property writable

International number of the space group Equivalent to int_number, defined to satisfy CIF Template

:return: International number of the space group

name_hall property

Hall symbol of the space group Equivalent to hall_symbol, defined to satisfy CIF Template

:return: Hall symbol of the space group

name_hm_alt property writable

Space group name as defined by a Hermann-Mauguin symbol Equivalent to space_group_HM_name, defined to satisfy CIF Template

:return: Space group name as easyCore Descriptor

setting property writable

Space group setting. If the space group does not have a setting, this will be None.

:return: Space group setting

setting_str property

Space group setting as a string. If the space group does not have a setting, this will be an empty string.

:return: Space group setting as a string

space_group_HM_name property writable

Space group name as defined by a Hermann-Mauguin symbol

:return: Space group name as easyCore Descriptor

symmetry_ops property writable

List of symmetry operations of the space group

:return: List of symmetry operations of the space group

symmetry_xyz property

Symmetry operations of the space group as a string

:return: String of symmetry operations of the space group

__init__(space_group_HM_name=None, setting=None, symmetry_ops=None, interface=None)

Generate a spacegroup object from it's Hermann-Mauguin symbol and setting. The setting can be a part of the Hermann-Mauguin symbol.

:param space_group_HM_name: Hermann-Mauguin symbol :param setting: Optional setting for the space group :param interface: Interface to the calculator

__on_change(new_spacegroup, new_setting=None, operations_set=None, set_internal=True)

Internal function to update the space group. This function is called when the space group is changed. It checks the form of the imputs, generates reference data, and updates the internal data (if requested).

:param new_spacegroup: New space group number or name :param new_setting: New space group setting :param set_internal: Should internal objects be updated

find_settings_by_number(number) staticmethod

Find the IT_coordinate_system_code by group's number. gemmi doesn't do it natively.

from_gemmi_operations(operations, interface=None) classmethod

Generate a space group from a list of gemmi operations or a gemmi group of operations.

:param operations: Operations which define a space group :param interface: Interface to the calculator

from_generators(rotations, translations, interface=None) classmethod

Create a space group from a lists of rotations and translations. Each translation is applied to each rotation.

:param rotations: Array of rotation matrices [n[3x3]] :param translations: Array of translations [m[1x3]] :param interface: Interface to the calculator

from_int_number(int_number, hexagonal=True, interface=None) classmethod

Generate a spacegroup object from it's spacegroup number (1-231). :param int_number: spacegroup number :param hexagonal: Should a hexagonal setting be used? :param interface: Interface to the calculator

from_symMatrices(rotations, translations, interface=None) classmethod

Create a space group from a lists of rotations and translations. The number of rotations and translations must be the same.

:param rotations: Array of rotation matrices [n[3x3]] :param translations: Array of translations [n[1x3]] :param interface: Interface to the calculator

from_symOps(sym_ops, interface=None) classmethod

Create a space group from a list of easycrystallography symmetry operations.

:param sym_ops: List of easycrystallography symmetry operations :param interface: Interface to the calculator

from_xyz_string(xyz_string, interface=None) classmethod

Create a space group from a string or list of strings of the form 'x,y,z'.

:param xyz_string: String defining space group operators :param interface: Interface to the calculator

get_orbit(point, tol=1e-05)

Returns the orbit for a point.

:param point: Point to get the orbit for :param tol: Tolerance for the orbit :return: Orbits of the point

get_site_multiplicity(site, tol=1e-05)

Get the multiplicity of a given site

:param site: Site to get the multiplicity of :param tol: Tolerance for the orbit :return: Multiplicity of the site


Get the rotational and translational matrices of the space group

:return: Rotation and translation matrices

in_array_list(array_list, a, tol=1e-05)

Extremely efficient nd-array comparison using numpy's broadcasting. This function checks if a particular array a, is present in a list of arrays. It works for arrays of any size, e.g., even matrix searches.


Name Type Description Default
array_list [array]

A list of arrays to compare to.

a array

The test array for comparison.

tol float

The tolerance. Defaults to 1e-5. If 0, an exact match is done.



Type Description
