Constraints example

Constraints example#

This example shows the usages of the different constraints.

from easyscience import Constraints
from easyscience.Objects.ObjectClasses import Parameter

p1 = Parameter('p1', 1)
constraint = Constraints.NumericConstraint(p1, '<', 5)
p1.user_constraints['c1'] = constraint

for value in range(4, 7):
    p1.value = value
    print(f'Set Value: {value}, Parameter Value: {p1}')
Set Value: 4, Parameter Value: <Parameter 'p1': 4.0+/-0, bounds=[-inf:inf]>
Set Value: 5, Parameter Value: <Parameter 'p1': 5.0+/-0, bounds=[-inf:inf]>
Set Value: 6, Parameter Value: <Parameter 'p1': 5.0+/-0, bounds=[-inf:inf]>

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Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.004 seconds)

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